Goats Milk Skincare

Goat Milk is naturally enriched with high amounts of protein, fat, iron, Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E and many more. It will nourish your skin while keeping you moisturized.
The pH of Goat Milk is nearly the same as that of human skin, helping to maintain a slightly acid mantle.
One of the main structural elements in living cells are lipids. Goat milk lipids are skin-compatible and are easily absorbed to moisturize and nourish our skin. No greasy residue.
Goat milk is rich in lactic acid and whey proteins. Lactic acid helps smooth skin by exfoliation while proteins enhance skin’s appearance.
Packed with Vitamins A&D and E — the first a powerful anti-oxidant, the second, a supplement for our “sunshine-needs”, and the third, adds moisture.
Contains a complex of trace minerals originating from fresh-grazed pastures to help skin naturally maintain its own moisture.